

Decter, Jonathan
Prats, Arturo
The Hebrew Bible in the Fifteenth Century: Exegesis, Philosophy, Polemic, and Art. Leiden: Brill, 2012


Prats, Arturo
"The love poetry of Shelomoh ben Reuben Bonafed: Hebrew poems and courtly love," In Between Gender and Genre in Late-Medieval Sepharad: Love, edited by Ryan Szpiech, 149-163 (Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies; 3, no. 2 [2011]).


Prats, Arturo
"A Ghost, a Converso and a Poem: a Letter to Gonzalo de la Caballería by Shelomo ben Reuben Bonafed." Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y Hebraicos 59 (2010): 243-78.
Prats, Arturo
"The Representation of Conversos in Bonafed’s Dīwān." In Late Medieval Jewish Identities: Iberia and Beyond, edited by Esperanza Alfonso and Carmen Caballero-Navas, 18-29. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2010
Prats, Arturo
La disputa de Selomoh Ben Re'uben Bonafed con la aljama de Zaragoza: Una sátira social en hebreo del siglo XV. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2010